Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Example Submission

Title:  A Deadly Wind, Status: 95 % complete

Type:  Short Story

Genre:  Science Fiction

Author:  Thunder Stormo

Set in the present, and based in part on actual events.  

Jack decides to go fishing at his favorite beautiful alpine lake near Austin, Nevada.  His son Jason usually comes along, but this time he will join his dad after some important business appointments require a two day delay.  Jack has gone alone many times without any problems, but this time he's lonely and a little uneasy.  Nothing serious, he's just older and a little less capable physically, than a few years before.  It's a very remote place rarely visited by anyone else and a minor slip and fall on the hike in or out could become a disaster.  He goes anyway, knowing son will follow in less than two days and knows exactly where he will be, if anything serious happens.  Still, he can't shake the feeling that something menacing awaits in his most favorite place. 

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